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© the PLANNING station 2017
Web design by the PLANNING station
What can ASP help with?
It doesn’t matter how big or small your task is. The things I can possibly help with to reduce your burden includes:
- Application submission through the Planning Portal Planning
- Appraisals
- Pre-application enquiries
- Application validation checks to maximise your chances of getting your application validated first time
- Permitted development checks
- Application progress monitoring and reporting
- Preparation and supply of Design and Access Statements and Planning Statements
- Panning appeals
- Planning representation at planning meetings and Committees
How do I charge?
I will set up timeEdition software to record time that I spend on each of your projects you have asked me to assist on. On completion of the work (or at appropriate stages for projects that will take considerable time) I will invoice you for the work, providing an overview and records from timeEdition that demonstrate where my time has been spent.
How do you use ASP?
- Register your company to the programme
- I will set up a cloud storage folder of your choice where you can drop the necessary files for me to be able to undertake each task
- I will set up timeEdition software to record time that I spend on each project(s)
- I will complete the task(s) and invoice you for the recorded time at the agreed rate for each project
Architect Support Programme [ASP].
Many of my clients are Architects. I know that, at times, they are really stretched and would rather be designing than dealing with the unruly and unpredictable planning system. Yet they are hampered, not having resources to employ more staff to handle the uplift in work.
This is where I come in. I have introduced the Architect Support Programme. When you are having a particularly difficult time, pass your planning work onto me and I will deal with it expeditiously on your behalf.
Why use ASP?
- Time savings
- Cost savings
- Quality work undertaken by an experienced RTPI planning consultant
- Speed to completion of task
- Accurate time recording and transparency you can pass to your client